Question about IGCSE exam results:

Question about IGCSE exam results ?

Can student view their result online?

Cambridge has created the Candidate Results website

 which candidates can use to view their results online.

Log-in details for the Candidate Result Website are issued by Cambridge Schools. If you were 

not issued with log-in details or have lost them, please contact the Examination Officer at your school/exam center. CIE is unable to assist if you lose your log-in details.

How do I find out my exam results?

All Cambridge students should contact the examination Officer at their school / exam center for information on results. CIE is unable to inform students of their results directly.

I have lost the user name and password for the candidates Result website. Can you issue them to me directly?

Log-in details foe the Candidate Result Website
are issued by Cambridge schools. If you were not issued with log-in details or have lost them, 

please contact the exams officer at your school.

I have received X on Result/No Result / Pending, what does this mean?

For each qualification these indicate that a result cannot be issued because of absence
 for the whole or part of the examination in the syllabus or because of a decision not to 
issue a result for some other reason.

The exams officer at your school will be able to provide advice and guidance on all aspects of the exam process including your examination results, certificates and result enquiries.

Please read more on what are the IGCSE grading means HERE (

How do I submit an enquiry about results?

Cambridge cannot accept enquiries about results directly from candidates or parents but if you speak to the exam officer at your school/exam center, they will be able to helo you.

All answers to general queries about “ enquiries about results” can be found HERE . Download A Guide to Enquiries About Results and Appeals to know more about the processes.

I deserve a better grade than the one I was awarded. What can I do?

The exams officer at your school/ exam center will be able to help you so please contact them for further information. They will be able to provide advice and guidance on all aspects of the exam process including your exam results and certificates.

When will I get my hard copy statement Of Results?

Schools outside the UK will be sent hard copy Statements of Results in late August for June series, and in late January for November series.

UK schools no longer receive hard copy Statements Of Results, but can download electronic copies from the CIE Direct homepage when results are released online. Six weeks after results release, Statement of Result will be removed from the CIE Direct homepage. To access them you will need to log in to CIE Direct, visit the ‘Administer Exams’ section and click on the ‘File Transfer ‘ tab.

If your school in UK, your exams officer will be able to provide you with a print-out of your statement of results. If you have any further questions please speak to the exams officer at your school.

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